Friday, February 19, 2016

Obamacare Premium analysis

ObamaCare Premium Analysis

1         Executive Summary

Data analysis was performed on the recently published 2016 premium data for the healthcare policies offered over the federal exchanges under the Affordable Healthcare Act (colloquially referred to as ObamaCare).  Obamacare is a politically charged subject, has been litigated a number of times all the way to the supreme court, number of bills passed by congress trying to defund it and a lot of articles have been written in the past on its eventual failure from a death spiral event (wherein only the sickest of the sick enroll in the plan, leading to an exponential increase in premium that will make it unaffordable).  Obamacare has survived a number of challenges and has currently enrolled 13 million members (premium paying) across the US, either through state or federal exchanges.  The current data analysis tries to shine some light on the premium data and provide the general public a narrative of what the published premium data tells us.   All of the data analyses in this document were done using Tableau public and there was some amount of data shaping that was required before useful analyses could be done.  Tableau public makes data shaping and transformation easy.  The data analyses will be expanded over time as time permits and based on comments from readers.