Monday, December 21, 2015

Good vs Bad Strategies - Why so much Bad Strategy?

1         Good vs Bad Strategies

Strategies are developed to achieve Goals.  It is not known at the outset whether the goal is an achievable goal or just a pie in the sky wishful thinking.  Knowledge about the hallmarks of good and bad strategies would allow us to steer clear of bad strategies from the outset.  Strategy development is very context dependent but the general principles of good strategies still apply.  The corporate world in general is littered with companies that have pursued both good and bad strategies to further their businesses, and have led either to their success or demise.  The discussion on good strategies vs bad strategies will give some grounding for the formulation of workable good strategies.  The document is organized into three broad sections – Hallmarks of Bad Strategies, Underpinnings of Good Strategies, Strategic tools in use to analyse businesses.  The discussion on the Good vs Bad strategies and the Strategic tools have generously borrowed content from two books: “Good Strategy, Bad Strategy, The Difference and Why it matters” by Richard Rumelt and “Lords of Strategy” by Walter Kiechel.  I am not delivering any new content but just summarizing content from these books and summaries are sometimes useful as a quick guide.  I would recommend readers to go through these two books if they find the summaries interesting.